In questa pagina trovate tutte le informazioni su Hostal Fatima a Bogota. Con potete prenotare il vostro ostello o alloggio economico al miglior prezzo. Leggete la descrizione dell’ostello Hostal Fatima con i servizi offerti, le foto, la mappa per sapere come arrivare all’hotel Hostal Fatima i prezzi e le recensioni e i commenti sull’Hostal Fatima lasciati dai precedenti clienti. Fate la vostra prenotazione con la carta di credito antipando solo il 10 per cento dell’importo totale, è veloce, facile e sicuro! Al termine della prenotazione vi saranno mostrati anche il numero di telefono del Hostal Fatima e l’email e riceverete sempre via mail conferma della prenotazione con un promemoria. Stampate la prenotazione e presentate il foglio alla reception, loro avranno già i vostri dati e dovrete solamente iniziare la vostra vacanza a Bogota!
Fatima is a place for multicultural encounters. It is a house that is more than 150 years old. With its beautiful colonial architecture it's a place where you can feel how the families of the nineteenth century used to live. Everything is adapted to a contemporary ambience; wood floors, stained glass windows, a central water fountain, a solarium with satellite television and a DVD player, a computer room complete with WI-FI service, a sauna, Jacuzzi. Also included on property is a room with international music where all our guests get related around a warm fireplace.Hostal Fátima combines great decor in a setting that makes the house friendly and unforgettable.Hostal Fátima is located in the La Candelaria neighborhood in the historical center, the house is one block away of the Chorro de Quevedo, place where the city was founded.At a walking distance are the oldest streets and houses of the city and some of the most representative symbols of the city as Plaza de Bolivar, the Gold Museum, Casa del Florero, Army Museum, Luis Angel Arango library, Camerín del Carmen, Santa Clara Church, Nariño´s House and the Collection donated by Fernando Botero at the Casa de la Moneda.The Candelaria District is also a Universities place that has a long variety of restaurants, theaters, coffee shops and bars for everyone's taste.(C ZONE)We need volunteers in exchange for acomodation.