In questa pagina trovate tutte le informazioni su HI-Victoria a Victoria. Con potete prenotare il vostro ostello o alloggio economico al miglior prezzo. Leggete la descrizione dell’ostello HI-Victoria con i servizi offerti, le foto, la mappa per sapere come arrivare all’hotel HI-Victoria i prezzi e le recensioni e i commenti sull’HI-Victoria lasciati dai precedenti clienti. Fate la vostra prenotazione con la carta di credito antipando solo il 10 per cento dell’importo totale, è veloce, facile e sicuro! Al termine della prenotazione vi saranno mostrati anche il numero di telefono del HI-Victoria e l’email e riceverete sempre via mail conferma della prenotazione con un promemoria. Stampate la prenotazione e presentate il foglio alla reception, loro avranno già i vostri dati e dovrete solamente iniziare la vostra vacanza a Victoria!
Victoria has been the Capital of British Columbia since 1871. The HI-Victoria Hostel, housed in a heritage building in the city's historic downtown centre, is close to the picturesque waterfront, the legislature buildings, and the Royal British Columbia Museum. The hostel is a perfect base for exploring beautiful Vancouver Island. We offer High speed internet access, Travelling with a laptop? Our common areas now have wireless Internet so you can surf or e-mail friends for free! We also have fax availability. Free sheets and towels. Award winning Nature tours, Travel info, secure bike storage, we are the cleanest hostel in town (we also Recycle) No curfew with 24 hour staff onsite, Cable TV, free movies, Free Foosball, Free bike and bag storage. Pool table in games room. , Discounts tickets available at front desk for local attractions, including IMAX, Royal BC Museum, Butchart Gardens. Also discount for whale watching, kayaking and restaurants. Please note: all co-ed beds are reserved for couples, friends, or family members of opposite sex. For the comfort and security of our guests no single males will be checked into our co-ed rooms. We are the best in town, come see why. Also please note all prices quoted are for HI Hostel members. Non-members will be charged an additional $4.00/night WINTER DEAL: Get 7 nights for the price of 6!! Book for seven nights, and get the final night free. Price will be adjusted at check-in. All nights must be consecutive. Final date for check-in on this deal is March 31, 2007.