En esta página usted puede encontrar toda la información sobre Hostal Sarong Hostel a Langkawi y hay la posibilidad de efectuar la reserva. La información sobre Hostal Sarong Hostel incluyen una descripción, los servicios ofrecidos, las fotos y los comentarios que dejan los clientes Una vez reservado (dejando un depósito del 10 por ciento sobre el total) hay Sarong Hostel correo electrónico y Sarong Hostel teléfono. Imprima la reserva, el documento presentado en la recepción, los huéspedes del hostal ya se disponen de datos y sólo hay que comenzar sus vacaciones en Langkawi!
Sarong is a new hostel located in a renovated old Chinese shophouse. We currently have 8 bunk beds, 2 toilets & 2 hot showers. We have kitchen facilities for basic cooking but guests must clean up after themselves. We have a small mosque across the street so be aware of the muslim call to prayer 5 times daily. Our previous guests have said they got used to it after a couple of nights. We are located within walking distance of local food, groceries, car rentals, bike rentals, motorcycle rentals, laundry facilities, the Sheraton Langkawi as well as close to a few of the tourist attractions in Langkawi.