En esta página usted puede encontrar toda la información sobre Hostal Hostal Caracol a Valparaiso y hay la posibilidad de efectuar la reserva. La información sobre Hostal Hostal Caracol incluyen una descripción, los servicios ofrecidos, las fotos y los comentarios que dejan los clientes Una vez reservado (dejando un depósito del 10 por ciento sobre el total) hay Hostal Caracol correo electrónico y Hostal Caracol teléfono. Imprima la reserva, el documento presentado en la recepción, los huéspedes del hostal ya se disponen de datos y sólo hay que comenzar sus vacaciones en Valparaiso!
We are located a few blocks away from Pablo Neruda house, steps from the open air museum and in the heart of Valparaiso.Welcome to Hostal Caracol. The hostel is a beautiful beginning of the century house remodelled with all the original materials, noble woods, embroided tin ceilings, floor tiles and a big warm chimney. All this with central heating and fully equipped and decorated with colors of today. We have ample common areas including a bright open kitchen with a lovely dinner, calm living room with books to share and cable TV, internet in the hall and WiFi all around, DVD player with a growing collection of films, sunny backyard with a barbecue area and all the peace and quite of Bellavista hill. Como visit us, its a sunny day and we are happy to have you around.See you