Bed&Breakfast Casa La Presia en Bunol

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Bed&Breakfast Casa La Presia Calle del Sol 31 Bunol

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Fotos Hostal Bed&Breakfast Casa La Presia
Reservar Bed&Breakfast Casa La Presia Desde USD23.91   EUR17.50   GBP15.72  
Information sobre l'Hostales

En esta página usted puede encontrar toda la información sobre Hostal Bed&Breakfast Casa La Presia a Bunol y hay la posibilidad de efectuar la reserva. La información sobre Hostal Bed&Breakfast Casa La Presia incluyen una descripción, los servicios ofrecidos, las fotos y los comentarios que dejan los clientes Una vez reservado (dejando un depósito del 10 por ciento sobre el total) hay Bed&Breakfast Casa La Presia correo electrónico y Bed&Breakfast Casa La Presia teléfono. Imprima la reserva, el documento presentado en la recepción, los huéspedes del hostal ya se disponen de datos y sólo hay que comenzar sus vacaciones en Bunol!

Casa La Presiá is located in Bunol, 34km away form Valencia, famous for the Festival La Tomatina! Train is only 45 mins from main-station Valencia.Bunol is named the Switzerland of Valencia. We offer there in our own house B&B with own bathroom.There are lots of possibilities to make your stay in our house made for your very special and personal feelings. In our near surrounding you can visit several castles.In our near surrounding you can visit several castles. The mountains until more than 1000 meter of highness just at our home-door, are a paradise for walking, mountain-hikking and driving with mountain-bikes. You can also enjoy to a marvorous Canon-Lake to swim, or to relax only in this protected area. In this area fisher will feel great. For creative people we can arrange courses of cooking, painting with a professional painter, how to produce ceramic and so on. You will find whatever is interesting for you.Until to 700 years, the Arabs lived here a long time in most parts of this country. Thanks to them they left us until nowadays lots of there culture to see, which you will Remark in the mixture with Spanish people.The capital of Valencia has a lot of interesting things to see…. If it is the famous, Spanish night-life starting at 24.00 h, gay or not gay, all you will discover is an ambience of olé…Actual information and recommendations, also in English for events, dates and of course the preview of the weather you will find in the internet. In our links you will find a small selection.One of the highlights, meanwhile with international world famous, is world known festival of the Tomatina in our 9.000 inhabitants-village, and the famous two orchestras Litros y Feos, who give their best in summer in a half natural auditorium.Advise about arrival time:Check in time from 9am until 9pm. Important that you phone before arriving!!Check out at 12pm.Pay cash on arrival.

DirecciónBed&Breakfast Casa La Presia - Calle del Sol 31   ,  46360,  Bunol,  ,  Spanien  
Desayuno Incl. Lavandería