Residencial Chafariz Rua Estanco Velho 3 E 5 Funchal
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Photos Hostel Residencial Chafariz |
About the hostel |
In this page you can find all the information about the hostel Residencial Chafariz of Funchal. With you can reserve your hostel or cheap accommodation at the best possible price. See the description of the hostel Residencial Chafariz with the facilities offered, photos, map with directions on how to get to the hostel Residencial Chafariz, prices, reviews and comments on the hostel Residencial Chafariz. Make your reservation with a credit card, anticipating only a 10 per cent of the total amount to secure the booking. At the end of the booking you will get the phone number and the email address of hostel Residencial Chafariz. Also by email you will receive the booking number confirmation with a reminder. Print your reservation and show it at the reception of the hostel on your arrival’s day; the hostel have already the data details of the guests and you just have to start your holiday in Funchal!Residencial Chafariz offering modern, agreeable rooms and a great service for its guests, all at very affordable rates. Chafariz is located in the heart of Funchal and is surrounded by beautiful gardens and avenues. Rooms are decorated with warm colors, where guests will find a perfect place to rest and relax during their stay in Funchal |
Address | Residencial Chafariz - Rua Estanco Velho 3 E 5 , 9000-074, Funchal, Madeira Island, Portugal | ||||||||||
Facilities |