In questa pagina trovate tutte le informazioni su Atithi Guesthouse a Pushkar. Con potete prenotare il vostro ostello o alloggio economico al miglior prezzo. Leggete la descrizione dell’ostello Atithi Guesthouse con i servizi offerti, le foto, la mappa per sapere come arrivare all’hotel Atithi Guesthouse i prezzi e le recensioni e i commenti sull’Atithi Guesthouse lasciati dai precedenti clienti. Fate la vostra prenotazione con la carta di credito antipando solo il 10 per cento dell’importo totale, è veloce, facile e sicuro! Al termine della prenotazione vi saranno mostrati anche il numero di telefono del Atithi Guesthouse e l’email e riceverete sempre via mail conferma della prenotazione con un promemoria. Stampate la prenotazione e presentate il foglio alla reception, loro avranno già i vostri dati e dovrete solamente iniziare la vostra vacanza a Pushkar!
About Atithi Guest House'Atithi Guest House", which is situated half km from Bus Stand. The guesthouse is set in garden and is a good combination of a room in Village Style. The large and spacious rooms with attached big bath have been tastefully furnished in the traditional style. An interesting feature of the guesthouse is the fact that almost all the rooms over look the huge garden providing an artistic view of lush green lawns, flowers surrounded by mountains and sand dunes. Atithi Guest House aims to provide traditional hospitality to its valued guest.Fun & Frolic'As the tempo of business goes down, the men folk turn to merriment, for the day of the camel sports is at hand. Camel races are the first event. Usually a lumbering beast of burden, the camel all decorated in finery, imagines itself to be an ostrich, and rushes through the race like one. Then comes the event analogous to musical chairs. Here, as the music stops, the camel is supposed to manage to stick its long arching neck between two poles, each camel owner guiding its entrant by means of a silken cord attached to its nose ring.Shopping & RecreationThe contrast to the blank desert is the riot of Colours - the large gaudy turbans of the native males arriving here to trade their animals or to set up the stalls to cater to the booming captive market, and the loud hues of the pleated ghagaras (ankle-length skirts) of the belles bangled by the armful, bejewelled from head to toe-adding charm and zest to the massive affair. A large number of traders gather at the Pushkar Fair and set up shops. They sell a host of products like bead necklaces of Nagaur, woollen blankets of Merta, textiles printed in Ajmer and Jodhpur, brassware of Jodhpur and Jaipur etc. Also on sale are saddles, ropes, and assorted household items. Vendors peddle their dazzling range of wares at hundreds of roadside stalls. Small groups of men and women can be seen tatooing names and pictures on their hands and other parts of the body.During the fair, cultural shows and exhibitions are organized to enliven the event.