Tanzania name: Dar es Salaam geographic coordinates: 6 48 S, 39 17 E time difference:< |
Population (1%) | 37.445.392 | Under 18: 43%, Adults: 53%, Over65: 2% | ||||||||||
Extention | 945.087 Km2 | Land 886.037, Water 59.050 | ||||||||||
Borders | Burundi 451.00 Km, Democratic Republic of the Congo 459.00 Km, Kenya 769.00 Km, Malawi 475.00 Km, Mozambique 756.00 Km, Rwanda 217.00 Km, Uganda 396.00 Km, Zambia 338.00 Km | |||||||||||
Religions | mainland - Christian 30%, Muslim 35%, indigenous beliefs 35%; Zanzibar - more than 99% Muslim |
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