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Reviews GoodFeeling

Overall rating
Overall rating(91.17%)
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Customer rating 100%
One of the best Places I have ever stayed I would still be there if i didn't have flights booked! great location great people good times!
dwillis133747, Australia | Male 18-24 | 11th September 2010 Total reviews: dwillis133747 has left 3 Barugata 11, Reykjavik87% Black & White Lisbon Hostel, Lisbon87% 96% Customer R

Customer rating 100%
This place is what a hostel should be like. You feel comfortable and welcome and more like a friend than a guest.
krisbrunner979, Australia |   | 25th September 2010 Total reviews: krisbrunner979 has left 7 Villa Salzburg, Rovinj77% Kaixo Backpackers Hostel, San Sebast87% Albareda Youthhostel, Barcelona73% AAE Nuria Andorra,

Customer rating 100%
coolest place ever. i will go there again!
mp6004009, Latvia | Male 18-24 | 20th October 2010 Total reviews: mp6004009 has left 2 Dina's Guesthouse, Lagos90% 100% Customer Rating Novice Nomad (2) one of the best pla

Customer rating 100%
one of the best places i've ever been!!!
ajonjolic, Russia | Male 25-30 | 01st October 2010 Total reviews: ajonjolic has left 2 Hostel with no name, Tallinn90% Oporto Poets Hostel, Porto100% Lisbon Lounge Hostel, Lisbon100%

Customer rating 100%
Miguel is awesome! Extra points for the dog, Coyote!
mnemosyne6767, Poland |   | 30th September 2010

Customer rating 90%
Good Feeling is a wonderful place - so relaxed under Portugeese sky. An awsome setting to meet people, to go to breathtaking beaches. So much more than just a hostel experience!
emilkagillner9446, Poland | Female 18-24 | 21st September 2010 Total reviews: emilkagillner9446 has left 2 Mochi GuestHouse, Granada100% Hotel Sierra Hidalga, Ronda90% 100% Custom

Customer rating 90%
Cheers for having us Miguel... We had an awesome stay, thanks so much for your generous hospitality!
Steve, New Zealand | Male 25-30 | 28th September 2010

Customer rating 100%
Such a relaxing place to stay with the best owners of any hostel you'll find anywhere.
minimaldan5396, Wales | Male 25-30 | 13th September 2010

Customer rating 96%
excellent hostel! "GoodFeeling" - the name says it all. Best wishes to the staff
Ana_Mac, Spain |   | 23rd September 2010