El Puesto in San Antonio De Areco

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El Puesto Belgrano 270 San Antonio de Areco

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Photos Hostel El Puesto
San Antonio de Areco
Book this Hostel El Puesto From USD17.00   EUR13.72   GBP11.74  
About the hostel

In this page you can find all the information about the hostel El Puesto of San Antonio de Areco. With Viamundis.com you can reserve your hostel or cheap accommodation at the best possible price. See the description of the hostel El Puesto with the facilities offered, photos, map with directions on how to get to the hostel El Puesto, prices, reviews and comments on the hostel El Puesto. Make your reservation with a credit card, anticipating only a 10 per cent of the total amount to secure the booking. At the end of the booking you will get the phone number and the email address of hostel El Puesto. Also by email you will receive the booking number confirmation with a reminder. Print your reservation and show it at the reception of the hostel on your arrival’s day; the hostel have already the data details of the guests and you just have to start your holiday in San Antonio de Areco!

Close your eyes. Imagine a place where all you hear is crickets chirping and the wind blowing. You're in the Argentinean countryside, staying at a hostel with over 100 years of exciting history. Time goes by slower around here. Are you ready to slow down to the speed of life and enjoy every single minute of your life? Are you ready to try some genuine Argentinean steak? Sip a cup of tea or coffee around the fireplace in the winter. Dip yourself in the pool during the summer to stay cool.Now open your eyes. El Puesto Hostel is the true Argentinean experience you were looking for.But, don't take our word for it. Check out our reviews to see what our guests think about us.Our amenities: FREE breakfast FREE Wi-Fi FREE computer with Internet access if you don't have one Dozens of DVD movies for you to choose from Swimming pool Fireplace Fully-equipped kitchen (refrigerator, microwave, toaster, cookware, blender, silverware, etc.) FREE luggage storage Hot water 24/7 Great common area to meet other people from Argentina and all over the worldI hope to see you here. I promise I'll go out of my way to make your stay here the best one you've ever had.

AddressEl Puesto - Belgrano 270   ,  2760,  San Antonio de Areco,  Buenos aires,  Argentina  
Breakfast Included Internet Access Airport Pick Up Bicycle Hire
Linen Included Bar Towels Swimming Pool
24 hour reception Bureau de Change Common Room BBQ Area
Non Smoking 24 Hour Check In


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