Abotel-Regensburg in Regensburg

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Abotel-Regensburg Donaustaufer Straße 70 Regensburg

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Book this Hostel Abotel-Regensburg From USD23.91   EUR17.50   GBP15.72  
About the hostel

In this page you can find all the information about the hostel Abotel-Regensburg of Regensburg. With Viamundis.com you can reserve your hostel or cheap accommodation at the best possible price. See the description of the hostel Abotel-Regensburg with the facilities offered, photos, map with directions on how to get to the hostel Abotel-Regensburg, prices, reviews and comments on the hostel Abotel-Regensburg. Make your reservation with a credit card, anticipating only a 10 per cent of the total amount to secure the booking. At the end of the booking you will get the phone number and the email address of hostel Abotel-Regensburg. Also by email you will receive the booking number confirmation with a reminder. Print your reservation and show it at the reception of the hostel on your arrival’s day; the hostel have already the data details of the guests and you just have to start your holiday in Regensburg!

Abotel is located in the city center of Regensburg with only a 10-15 Minutes to walk to the historical Old Town. Two big close-by Shopping Malls (Donau Einkaufszentrum and Alexcenter) invite to shop. Regensburg - european capital of culture 2010Abotel offers cheap accommodations for everyone in a homely and cultivated atmosphere. We offer: - Single rooms - Double rooms - 3 bed rooms - 4 bed rooms - 5 bed rooms - 6 - 10 bed mixed rooms each with own shower and toilet in the room. We also offer plenty parking lots (also in a basement garage) for cars and bikes and a parking lot for buses. We also offer: - big sun deck - big lounge/conference room - non smoking rooms - Internet cafe in the building - Video rent in the building - parking lots (also in a basement garage) for bikes - coffee dispenser, vending machine (for drinks and food) - 24 hour access with code key Check out until 11 a.mCheck in from 4 p.m until 6 p.mIf you want to arrive later, please inform us in time. No pets allowedSleeping bags are welcome! Bedclothes included.1 Euro for towels if needed.

Reviews 75 %
AddressAbotel-Regensburg - Donaustaufer Straße 70   ,  93059 Regensbur,  Regensburg,  Bavarya,  Germany  
Telephone/Fax Facilities Key Card Access Common Room Bike Parking
Free Carpark Breakfast Not Included


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